Rachel & Adam ~ Hazel Jane's birth story

Rachel & Adam ~ Hazel Jane's birth story

 I decided to have a home birth, even though I was unsure of myself.  She believed in me.  I'll never forget coming into her home office and saying, "I'm just not sure I'll be able to do it."  She replied with, "Why not?  You got her in.  You can get her out."  

Kristi & Dan ~ Saor Odysseus Meadows Birth Story 8.15.2010

Kristi & Dan ~ Saor Odysseus Meadows  Birth Story  8.15.2010

So I made an effort that when I felt a contraction coming I relaxed every muscle in my body from my fingers to my toes... Instead of standing strong against the wave I began to be washed away with it. During the first contraction after that, I could feel my cervix opening!